The First Lesson in Social Media Marketing

To have the mindset that the understanding and practice of core fundamentials will drive your business more than any system, gadget or gimmick -- your customers trust your sound business judgement and spread the word

MyBizTutor - Learn How Business+Internet+Marketing=Success - Internet Marketing Business School - The "New" Model of Retail Marketing

MyBizTutor - Learn How Business+Internet+Marketing=Success - Internet Marketing Business School - The "New" Model of Retail Marketing: "If a customer is not looking for the product or service you offer, it's useless to try to sell it to them. In fact, it's actually counter-productive, because it clearly sends a message of disrespect and practically guarantees that the customer will go elsewhere for future purchases, even if they're looking for your product or service. Let me say it another way: Avoid this marketing model!
It's interesting to note that network marketers commonly use this 'say and spray it' marketing technique. It's essentially spamming done in person. I have to wonder: if it doesn't work for them, then why are big retailers like Sears adopting it? There's a MUCH better way: Market your products and services in a way that makes it easy for customers to find you when they're ready to buy, and are therefore receptive to your message."

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